

Moonshot Public Symposium 2022 for Goal 6


About one year has passed since the start of R&D for Moonshot Goal 6, "a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer that will revolutionize economy, industry, and security by 2050” which is handled by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). The symposium will disseminate the results of R&D currently being carried out in the goal's seven projects to the public, industry, and academic societies, and explore issues related to the realization of fault-tolerant universal quantum computers.

Event Details

Date and Time Friday March 11th, 2022, 13:00-17:50
Venue Online (Zoom Webinar)  ※Distribution on YouTube is also available.
How to Participate Pre-registration required (Deadline Monday March 7th, 2022, 17:00)
Registration form:
Participation Fee Free
Language Japanese
Organizer Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

For more details, please refer to the symposium's website.

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